KaliKosmos Travel, independently contacted with Travel Leaders/Leone Travel, hereafter called The Agency, have the following terms of service.

In most cases The Agency operates Monday-Friday, 8am-5pm CT (excluding national holidays).  Requests made outside these hours will be processed in the order they are received the next business day.  The Agency is not responsible for price and availability changes that may occur when requests are made outside the standard office hours.

Research Retainer

The Agency agrees to provide professional research and planning services in exchange for the Research Retainer purchase. The fee represents The Agency’s charge for its planning services only; no portion of the fee represents the cost of the travel itself.  No portion of the fee is refundable.

Once your retainer fee is processed, your research time will be secured on your advisor’s calendar. You advisor will also inform you the timeframe by which you can expect your first proposal.

All passengers must have their traveler information on file or have submitted a passenger information form before research can begin.  For international travel, passengers must also submit a valid passport for all travelers prior to the research start date.  If these are not submitted to the agency prior to the set research start date, the appointment will be moved to the next available research start date.

The fee covers professional research and planning services only.  Additional professional fees will be assessed for Itinerary Management, Concierge Requests, modifications, cancellations, and refunds.   

The fee does not obligate the traveler nor The Agency to move forward with the management phase. At any point in the research phase the traveler may terminate the professional relationship with no additional payment required.  After The Agency has provided the traveler with the number of proposals listed in the Retainer agreement, The Agency may terminate the professional relationship with no further obligation to the traveler.

Changes made to the initial travel plans listed on the Retainer agreement may result in additional research fees.

All services quoted during the research are subject to availability and subject to change until the travel services have been secured with a payment.

A minimum number of days before departure may be required for The Agency to accept the research request.

Once purchased, Retainers will remain valid for 90 days from the first research start date.  If research cannot commence within this period or a proposal has not been accepted within this period a new Retainer may be charged.

Proposals will remain visible until the traveler declines the option or until 14 days has past since the proposal is presented, whichever comes first.

Expedite surcharges may apply.

Charges will be processed through Travel Leaders/Leone Travel in Memphis, TN.

Itinerary Management Services

The Agency agrees to provide Itinerary Management Services for reservations secured through The Agency.

The Itinerary Management Service amount has been included in the total costs quoted but will be charged as a separate transaction at the time payment for travel services is applied. 

Itinerary Management Service pricing is based on the use of travel service suppliers from the Travel Leaders Network Preferred Supplier List. When reservations calls for the use of travel service suppliers outside the Preferred Supplier List, a non-refundable fee of no less than 12% of the total reservation cost will also be included the total costs quoted and charged with the Itinerary Management Service fee.

No portion of the fee is refundable.

The fee represents The Agency’s charge for its services only; no portion of the fee represents the cost of the travel itself.

Charges will be processed through Travel Leaders/Leone Travel in Memphis, TN.

Prior to the first payment, your advisor will send a link to the required paperwork that must be accepted prior to funds being applied to your reservation.  This paperwork will include

  • details about your travel package
  • cost associated with your travel package
  • payment due dates and amount required by these dates 
  • the name of the supplier(s) used for your travel.  The supplier(s) listed will have their own terms and conditions and may charge additional fees for changes, modifications, and cancellations.  By agreeing to the purchase your travel package, you agree to the agency and the supplier’s terms and condition.
Only the lead traveler will sign this agreement; however, all travelers will be bound by the terms and conditions.

Group Experiences

The Agency agrees to provide Group Itinerary Management Services as outlined in the group contract.

The required number of participants needed for a group varies by supplier.  Groups require all passenger travel together on the same itinerary.

Groups have one leader in charge of decisions and makes payments with one form of payment. When multiple forms of payment are needed, additional costs will  be added.

Group Itinerary Management Service pricing is based on the use of travel service suppliers from the Travel Leaders Network Preferred Supplier List. When reservations calls for the use of travel service suppliers outside the Preferred Supplier List, a non-refundable fee of no less than 12% of the total reservation cost will also be included the total costs quoted and charged with the Itinerary Management Service fee.

No portion of the fee is refundable.

Informational and Bon Voyage meetings may be hosted virtually in some cases.

The fee represents The Agency’s charge for its services only; no portion of the fee represents the cost of the travel itself.

The Group Itinerary Management Service amount has been included in the total costs quoted and will be due at the time the group contract is signed.

Charges will be processed through Travel Leaders/Leone Travel in Memphis, TN.

Prior to the first payment, your advisor will send a link to the required paperwork that must be accepted prior to funds being applied to your reservation.  This paperwork will include

  • details about your travel package
  • cost associated with your travel package
  • payment due dates and amount required by these dates 
  • the name of the supplier(s) used for your travel.  The supplier(s) listed will have their own terms and conditions and may charge additional fees for changes, modifications, and cancellations.  By agreeing to the purchase your travel package, you agree to the agency and the supplier’s terms and condition.

Concierge Request Services

The Agency agrees to provide professional research and planning services in exchange for the Concierge Request Services purchase. Once payment is processed, The Agency will begin work on your specific concierge request. Accordingly, no portion of the fee is refundable. The fee represents The Agency’s charge for its research and confirmation services only; no portion of the fee represents the cost of the travel itself.

Your payment towards the Concierge Request Service is your acknowledgment that while your advisor will work to the best of her ability, some requests may not be possible in all locations. 

Concierge Request Service charges are applied when research on the requested item begins. A “single booking contact” is a single phone call or email in which one or more items can be confirmed at one time.

Your advisor will disclose the travel supplier used to make your travel dream come true.  These suppliers will have their own terms and conditions and may charge additional fees for changes, modifications, and cancellations.  By agreeing to the purchase, you agree to the agency and the supplier’s terms and condition. 

Changes made to the initial concierge request listed on the agreement may result in additional fees.

All services quoted during the research are subject to availability and subject to change until the travel services have been secured with a payment.

Charges will be processed through Travel Leaders/Leone Travel in Memphis, TN.

Single Reservation Solutions

The Agency agrees to provide professional research and reservation services for the amount listed below. You acknowledge that The Agency will begin work on creating a specific itinerary upon receipt payment. Accordingly, no portion of the fee is refundable. You also acknowledge that the fee represents The Agency’s charge for its research and reservation services only; no portion of the fee represents the cost of the travel itself.

Your advisor will disclose the travel supplier used to make your travel dream come true.  These suppliers will have their own terms and conditions and may charge additional fees for changes, modifications, and cancellations.  By agreeing to the purchase, you agree to the agency and the supplier’s terms and condition.  

Changes made to the initial travel plans listed on your agreement may result in additional fees.

All services quoted during the research are subject to availability and subject to change until the travel services have been secured with a payment.

Charges will be processed through Travel Leaders/Leone Travel in Memphis, TN.

Single Reservation Solution Fees Per transaction

  • Car rental $25
  • Hotel reservation $25
  • Train reservation $50
  • Transfers $50
  • Excursions $50


Client Requested Payments

The deposit amount, deposit due date, and the final payment due date are set by the travel service providers for your experience.

Between the deposit and final payment dates, up to two (2) client-requested payments of $1,000.00 or more can be made by emailing The Agency, noting the last four of the card to be used and the card expiration date.

All client-requested payments outside of these parameters will incur a $25.00 agency processing fee at the time the payment is applied.

Modifications, Cancellations, and Refunds

In most cases voluntary modifications, cancellations, exchanges, and refunds can only be processed Monday-Friday 8am-5pm CST. Please plan accordingly.

Once booked, The Agency will assess fees for changes made to a reservation. 


Should your plans change once the deposit is applied, a fee of no less than $25.00 will be charged to explore all requested changes. 

If the proposed change is approved, an additional agency fee will be charged to confirm changes.

If flights are cancelled after ticketing, an agency cancellation fee of no less than 55.00 per ticket will be charged and, if allowable by airline rules, an airline credit will be created. Agency fees, increases in fare, and airline rules will apply towards the used of the credit.

In cases where a refund is possible according to the airline rules, an agency fee of no less than 15% of the per person ticket cost will be charged at the time the refund is processed.


Should your plans change once the deposit is applied, a fee of no less than $50.00 will be charged to explore all requested changes.  

If the proposed change is approved, an agency fee of no less than $100.00 will be charged to confirm changes. 

If package is cancelled after deposit, an agency cancellation fee of 15% of the total cost of the reservation will be assessed. If items are added to the package after this agreement is signed, agency cancellation penalties will apply to the added items as well.

All cancellation and modification fees are in addition to any fees assessed by the supplier.

The Agency will automatically charge the card on file for all reservation modifications, cancellations, or refunds. This fee will also be charged when notification is received by The Agency of passenger-directed modifications, cancellations, and refunds or when passengers accept refunds offered by the supplier in accordance with consumer protection policies.

These fees will not be waived.

Additional Terms

By asking your agent to purchase the reservation on your behalf, you

  • authorize the credit card used to be on file for future payments. Sometimes charges will be made in international currency. Foreign purchase fees from credit card companies may apply.
  • assume all risk and responsibilities associated with using debit cards for payments. 
  • acknowledge you have read and accept the terms and conditions of the reservation and its associated fees and have discussed any questions about the information with your agent.
  • accept that you have reviewed the proposed itinerary to be sure all information including but not limited to pricing, name spelling, departure cities, arrival cities, carriers, times and dates are correct, and that you would like the proposed schedule to be charged to the credit card provided. 
  • understand that the airline tickets/tours/cruise you are purchasing are subject to supplemental price increases that may be imposed by the supplier or government after the date of purchase. You acknowledge you may be charged additional sums by The Agency to offset increased costs.
  • understand the some conditions and unforeseen circumstances beyond the control of the supplier or The Agency deem changes on the itinerary necessary. The supplier reserves the right to change and make necessary variations as needed. The Agency will work with the supplier on alternate options when changes are needed.

Travel Insurance: The Agency strongly recommends clients purchase insurance for the protection of health, property (baggage), trip cost and cancellation fees. Various combinations of coverage are available from many sources (for instance, the insurance offered by tour/cruise operators cover cancellation but not bankruptcy).  Clients acknowledge the importance of purchasing this type of insurance and have been advised that travel insurance is available. The Agency makes no representations about what conditions or occurrences the insurance will cover.

Clients understand that while agents are here to serve them to the best of their ability, should a travel emergency arise and should agents be unavailable, clients should call Travelguard’s 24 hour service number. However, this service is only available should clients choose to add Travelguard protection to the purchase.  Should client opt to not purchase Travelguard and should agents be unavailable during a travel emergency, clients understand that an agent will contact them as soon as possible and in the meantime it is their responsibility to resolve the emergency.

Travelguard may not be available in all cases. For US Citizens living abroad with US residency addresses, travel insurance cannot be purchased through Travelguard. Please seek other options for coverage.

Travel insurance, such as that offered by Travelguard, helps cover for the “unexpected” in travel and is required for entry into some countries. To have the most coverage policies should purchase this within 14 days of when the first payment is made. Please visit Travelguard.com to explore which travel insurance option works best for you.  Please let your agent know if you would like to add travel insurance to your reservation.

Suppliers: We act as a sales agent for any airline, hotel, car-rental company, tour operator, cruise line, or other service provider named in your itinerary or confirmation (“Suppliers”). Many suppliers, including cruise lines and tour operators, have their own terms and conditions, and we will send you links to them, so that you can read them and agree by checking a box if required. However, if you have not received the link it is up to you, the customer, to ask for the terms and conditions so you may review them. If a supplier requires that we check the box in order to make a reservation on your behalf, you authorize us to do so on your behalf. We are not responsible for the acts or omissions of the Suppliers or their subcontractors or their failure to adhere to their own schedules, provide services or refunds, financial default, or failure to honor future trip credits. We have no special knowledge regarding the financial condition of the Suppliers or their subcontractors and no liability for recommending a trip credit in lieu of a refund.

Conditions of Travel Disclaimer: Clients understand that The Agency has no special knowledge regarding the financial condition of the suppliers, unsafe conditions, health hazards, weather hazards, or climate extremes at locations of travel. For information concerning possible dangers at destinations, The Agency recommends contacting the travel warnings section of the U. S. State Department at (202) 647-5225 or www.travel.state.gov. For medical information, The Agency recommends contacting the Centers for Disease Control at (877) fyi-trip or www.cdc.gov/travel. Clients assume full and complete responsibility for checking and verifying any and all passport, visa, vaccination, or other entry requirements of my destination(s), and all conditions regarding health, safety, security, political stability, and labor or civil unrest at such destination(s). Clients hereby release The Agency from all claims arising out of any problem covered in these paragraphs and agree that the courts in Shelby County, Tennessee, will be the exclusive jurisdiction for all claims, and hereby submit to the personal jurisdiction of those courts.

Supplemental COVID19 Agency Terms: As the worldwide COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic remains ongoing, clients acknowledge that for this reason, and other reasons not reasonably foreseeable at this time, travel plans may be interrupted or cancelled by the supplier that is providing them, a government entity or other third party over which The Agency has no control. Clients further acknowledge that the supplier’s own cancellation, rebooking and refund policies, subject to any applicable law that is now or may later be in effect, will govern the client’s rights and remedies, including the client’s right to receive a refund, in such an event. Moreover, clients understand that should they elect to purchase travel insurance, the terms of the policy will dictate whether, and to what extent, coverage for any financial loss may exist under the circumstances.

Clients also acknowledge their understanding that agency fees will accompany all changes, cancellations, and refunds, even those made as a result of COVID closures. Agency fees will be charged even if clients choose to make the changes/cancellations directly with the supplier. These fees will be automatically charged to the most recent card authorized by the client for this reservation. Clients agree to hold The Agency harmless and release it from any and all liability for any damages, including but not limited to monetary losses, that may be incurred as a result of such interruption or cancellation of these travel plans.

Errors and Corrections: The completed reservation will arrive by email. When it does, please review the reservation for accuracy of dates, times, and passenger names and alert your agent immediately to any errors.   Errors must be reported with the first 24 hours of when has been applied.

Air Reservation Terms

Contract of Carriage: Air transportation is subject to the individual contract terms of air carriers which are incorporated by reference into every ticket. You can obtain this information at any location where air carrier’s tickets are sold. You also have the right, upon request, free of charge, to receive full text of the applicable terms from each of the transporting air carriers. By requesting the agency ticket your reservation(s) you agree to the terms of the Contract of Carriage and all its terms and conditions.

Acknowledgement of Price Fluctuation: Prices are subject to change until the travel service provider has applied payment. The request for payment to be applied or the submission of payment to The Agency does not constitute the travel service provider’s application of payment. With some travel service providers requests are processed through a first come, first serve queue. The Agency is not liable for price fluctuations from the time the payment request is submitted to when the request can be processed through the queue.

Airline Change and Cancellation Fees: Airlines and third party ticketing companies charge fees for changes and cancellation of tickets. Their fees are in addition to any fees charged by The Agency.

Airline Changes: Carriers reserve the right to change schedules and equipment. The Agency will make every effort to work with the carrier to keep the schedule as close to the original times and routings as possible, but some changes are out of The Agency’s control. Since schedules can change you understand it is best to reconfirm your schedule prior to departure.

Baggage Fees: Most airlines assess fees for checked baggage. You should confirm with the airlines what the fees are as well as each airline’s baggage limits and how excess baggage is handled.

Secure Flight Privacy Notice: The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) requires you to provide your full name, date of birth, and gender for the purpose of watch list screening, under the authority of 49 U.S.C. section 114, the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004 and 49 C.F.R parts 1540 and 1560. You may also provide your Redress Number, if available. Failure to provide your full name, date of birth, and gender may result in denial of transport or denial of authority to enter the boarding area. TSA may share information you provide with law enforcement or intelligence agencies or others under its published system of records notice. For more on TSA privacy policies, or to review the system of records notice and the privacy impact assessment, please see the TSA Web site at www.tsa.gov

Travel Documentation

Domestic Air Travel: Adults are required to show identification when checking in and at TSA checkpoints. Acceptable forms of ID include any state, federal, or tribal identification card, including a passport, military ID card, permanent resident card, border-crossing card, state ID card or driver’s license.(A picture ID is required).  Beginning May 7, 2025, every traveler must present a REAL ID-compliant driver’s license, or another acceptable form of identification, to fly within the United States. For more information, go to: https://www.tsa.gov/real-id

International Air Travel: Clients have been advised that each passengers needs a VALID passport book and that the ticket name matches the name on the passport. Any changes to reservation names given will result in a change fee and/or airfare difference.  *It is the traveler’s responsibility to verify the validity of the passport. Passports must be valid for 6 months after your return date of travel.*

Cruise Document Requirements: For cruises that begin and/or end in a U.S port (aka “closed loop cruises”), the following *WHTI- (Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative) Compliant Documents are acceptable for cruise travel. If a picture I.D. is not affixed to the *WHTI-compliant document, a picture I.D. is required (a valid, unexpired government-issued photo I.D. for all guests 16 years of age or older). If the cruise includes air travel to or from Canada or another country, a valid, unexpired U.S. passport is required. Acceptable forms of identification: 

  • Valid U.S. Passport 
  • Valid Passport Card 
  • Valid State Enhanced Driver’s License 
  • Valid Certificate of U.S. Naturalization

Also acceptable for cruise travel (for cruises that begin and end in a U.S. port, aka “closed loop cruises”), U.S. citizens can show proof of citizenship, such as a birth certificate issued by a government agency and accompanied by a government- issued photo I.D. 

  • An original or copy of a birth certificate issued by a government agency (state/county/city) or the Department of Health and Vital Statistics. 
  • Internationally adopted children (under the age of 18): If the adoptive parent was not issued a birth certificate, cruises lines will accept as proof of citizenship, a Certificate of Citizenship by the U.S. and adoption paperwork. A Certificate of Citizenship is issued by the U.S. once the adoption is finalized.  

Be aware that some ports of call on closed loop cruises may still require a passport book. Without a passport book clients will not be able to disembark in these ports.

Please note

  • Puerto Rico Birth Certificates: Birth certificates from Puerto Rico issued prior to July 1, 2010 are not valid forms of proof of citizenship and are not accepted by U.S. Customs and Border Protection. Guests from Puerto Rico either need to present a *WHTI-compliant document or a government-issued photo I.D. with a validated birth certificate issued after July 1, 2010. 
  • Traveling with a Minor: When traveling out of the country with a minor where one or both parents or legal guardians are not present, we strongly recommend bringing an original signed letter from the absent parent(s) or legal guardians authorizing the minor to travel with you. A notarized letter is recommended. 
  • Canada Travel: Beware that countries can deny foreigners entry if they have been charged or convicted of a serious crime such as a DWI/DUI as well as insufficient health insurance coverage. For more information on entry requirements review the information on www.travel.state.gov or contact the consulate for the destinations you’re traveling to. 

Force Majeure

The Agency will not be liable for inadequate performance to the extent caused by a condition (i.e. natural disaster, act of war or terrorism, riot, labor condition, governmental action, and Internet disturbance) that was beyond the party’s reasonable control.